Jeremy Ledlow is a high school educator who works at Warren Easton Charter High School. His area of instruction is Career Planning and Implementation. Mr. Ledlow believes that Career Planning prior to leaving high school is important because students have access to more resources such as support from teachers and the development of soft skills. Mr. Ledlow has achieved a degree in Business Administration and a concentration in Event Management. He is also the owner of Occasions LLC. Jeremy Ledlow worked 10 years in cooperate America as the Director of Catering for the ARAMARK Cooperation. In 2007-2009 he had the honor of working for three professional sports teams as the Director of Premium Services, The Baltimore Oreos, The Baltimore Ravens and the Washington Wizards. In 2012 Mr. Ledlow’s company was awarded the (DBE) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise from the City of New Orleans. Presently, Mr. Ledlow is a Hospitality & Tourism instructor at Warren Easton and serves as the Wide Receiver Coach for the Warren Easton Football Team.